An additional plot of land was purchased by the Parish Council in 1958/9, providing an extension to the Burial Ground – ‘the New Burial Ground’. The new Burial Ground can be reached by following a path leading from the car park, through the Churchyard and down steps at the far end of the path. Both Burial Grounds are bordered on three sides by the Nether Alderley countryside.
The Burial Grounds also abut St. Mary’s Churchyard, owned and run by St. Mary’s Church. St. Mary’s, a beautiful 14th century Church, is situated on the Church’s land. Stone markers delineate the boundary between the Church and Parishes’ grounds.
The Stanley Mausoleum can be found within the ‘Old Burial Ground’. The Mausoleum was Gifted by Thomas, the 8th Lord Stanley of Alderley, to the Parish Council in 1979. Despite being a building of significant size, only two interments were made in the Mausoleum – that of Edward Lyulph, fourth Lord Stanley of Alderley 1839-1925 and Mary Katherine, his wife, 1848-1929. The Mausoleum was originally built by Lord Stanley in 1908.
The Mausoleum is open to members of the public when St. Mary’s hold Church Open events.
The Burial Grounds are run by the Burial Board, a committee of four Parish Councillors, elected to consider all matters relating to the running and maintenance of the Grounds, the regulations governing the operation of the Burial Ground and charges made. A copy of regulations and fees can be obtained from the Clerk to the Parish Council.
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